Mother nature provided the winter wonderland
and our resilient friends and family joined us for our annual
holiday open house. Thanks to everyone who came to
help us celebrate the season!

Local artist Courtney Cronin (of The Dot Spot) helped
manage the wine bar (made here in our shop).

Ken stopped in to help for a while!

Fellow artists Alicia & Lauren.

My husband, Andrew (center) and good friends
Doug & Pat joined us for a bowl of chili

and a few laughs.

Our friends, The Kenneys
taking a break with Sally.

The day bed swing was a bit hit!

Our annual holiday open house is a fun chance
to gather the family!

Here's Lauren & Mike getting ready to draw
the names of the door prize winners.

Courtney was really hoping to be a winner,
Mike prepares to give her the bad news...

while Courtney did not take something home...

this lucky winner won the painting Gill Pollard
created here at the open house.
Congratulations & thanks to everyone who came
to Black Dog Salvage today!
Happy Holidays!
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