Friday, May 22, 2015

Up-cycling with Woodcraft & Black Dog Salvage

 Black Dog Salvage is proud to partner with Woodcraft, one of the oldest and largest suppliers of woodworking tools and supplies, to promote the growing up-cycling movement!
If you have had the chance to see behind the scenes here at the Black Dog shop you would know that Woodcraft helps make it all possible. Haven't been to visit yet?
Here's a tour:

Why Woodcraft? 

Woodcraft has the products that will help any DIY enthusiast transform salvage into treasure. We've heard from people that Salvage Dawgs has helped inspire them to see things differently and to save items that once would have been destined for the dump. From hand tools to power tools to finishing products Woodcraft can not only help you select the right tools for the job but you get expert knowledge from friendly people who are passionate about up-cycling and who use these products every day. You just can't get that from a big box store.

Don't be intimidated, everyone has to start somewhere! Woodcraft has classes to help you learn the basics of hand and power tools all the way up to classes for completed projects. It's easier than you think.  (Click here to find your nearest location)

We were recently introduced to the greater Woodcraft family at their National Sales Convention and Vendor Trade Show in Louisville, KY.  It was great to meet so many dedicated store owners, sales managers and vendors with a passion for woodworking. We discovered that each owner has a unique story and path that brought them to Woodcraft.  Ask them to share their story, we promise you'll be inspired. If you haven't visited your local Woodcraft store, go now! 

Fun facts about Woodcraft: 

  • Facebook's Menlo, CA Campus has a state-of-the-art Woodcraft Shop and Mini Store - one of the many perks for Facebook employees!  
  • Hawaii is one of the top Woodcraft stores (next on our bucket list!).
  • Woodcraft of Rockville offers a Woodworkers Club with access to tools, materials and classes.

Vince Grlovich, Woodcraft Vice President for Sales and Marketing, introduced Mike and Robert during the conference to discuss our partnership and the importance of reclaiming and re-purposing salvaged materials. 

In addition to the conference, we had the opportunity to participate in the Woodcraft Vendor Trade Show - which was a ton of fun!   Our vintage ShowHauler provided a unique setting for our booth. One might call this a mullet on wheels... party up front (RV) and business in the back (garage).

 We had the pleasure of meeting Nick Cook, master wood turner and demonstrator for Powermatic, and Nancy Farris, with Robert Sorby.

Nick even offered to come see us in Roanoke for a wood turning demonstration!  We're excited to make that happen and will post more information, when available.

It was great to meet fellow Woodcraft partners Scott and Suzy Phillps of The American Woodshop and Tommy Mac of Rough Cuts.

Fun fact:
The American Woodshop's ratings soared 43% when Suzy joined the show!


 Do you remember this mirror

We were happy to send Dwayne Ernest, owner of Woodcraft of Phoenix (and Salvage Dawgs fan!), home with the mirror - thanks Dwayne!

 We brought a few custom pieces from the shop including this coffee table made from a salvaged window frame.

Be sure to check out the June/July 2015 issue of Woodcraft Magazine for the article
 "Making Good with Salvaged Wood"

We had the opportunity to show Salvage Dawgs episodes on our tailgate thanks to Lee Hartman and Sons.  They are experts in the Audio Visual world and just plain great folks to work with all around.  Headquartered in Roanoke since 1936, they have offices throughout the Mid Atlantic, Ohio Valley and Southeastern United States.  Check them out for any AV design, installation, rental or sales needs!

 Overall, we had a wonderful time in Louisville, KY getting to know the Woodcraft Family.
We look forward to up-cycling together!

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